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Listening to Cougar by Marc Bekoff

Listening to Cougar

Listening to Cougar by Marc Bekoff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"As long as there are still cougars out there, wilderness itself survives. By gathering the best stories to be found from people who have personally experienced the great cat, Marc Bekoff and Cara Blessley Lowe have brought our most elusive animal to life."
--David Rothenberg, author, Why Birds Sing and Thousand Mile Song

"Listening to Cougar indeed! And hearing, through the voices of some of our finest writers, the echoes of wildness and of fear and of pure joy that say so much about who we are and who we have become."
--Bill McKibben, author, The Bill McKibben Reader

"Elegant and powerful, cougars are icons of wilderness that stir our dreams and emotions. The vibrant tales of encounters with cougars in this anthology express not only admiration for this adaptable predator but also convey that its survival is our moral obligation. The book is a timely and thoughtful blend of natural history and evocation of a mysterious creature."
--George B. Schaller, Wildlife Conservation Society

"Listening to Cougar captures the grace, beauty, and majesty of cougars, and powerfully conveys what cougars mean to people through their own experiences and stories. A must-read for the public, ranchers, scientists, managers, and conservationists, this well-written collection gives voice to views that until now have gone little-heeded by policymakers, and will help cougars by helping us find common ground."
--Professor Susan G. Clark, Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

"Listening to Cougar describes many scary and awe-inducing, face-to-face encounters with mountain lions (also known as cougars and pumas). I was riveted and could not put the book down. Mountain lions can stalk, ambush and kill a full-grown man. Is that why we find these large, pure carnivores so endlessly fascinating? In addition to all the exciting stories in the book, deftly woven in with intriguing information about cougars, what I love about Listening to Cougar is the book's emphasis on people's emotions, feelings and passions."
--Chris Palmer, Distinguished Film Producer in Residence, American University

"I especially enjoyed the return to old school naturalist writings, celebrating writers who truly know their subject and write about it as scientists and storytellers, from the head and from the heart."
--Kathy Brown, Park Ranger / District Naturalist

"In Listening To Cougar, reverence for cougar lives on through the power of story from those who have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the shadow cat in the wild. . . . [T]hese gripping stories bring home the importance that these animals remain living wild and free in our natural world."
--Sharon Negri, Executive Director and Founder, WildFutures

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