PDF⋙ A Primer for Health Care Ethics: Essays for a Pluralistic Society by Kevin D. O'Rourke
A Primer for Health Care Ethics: Essays for a Pluralistic Society by Kevin D. O'Rourke
A Primer for Health Care Ethics: Essays for a Pluralistic Society by Kevin D. O'Rourke PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From Harry and Louise through the McCaughey septuplets, this book explains stories and issues in health care ethics that have appeared in the news media. Written for the general reader in a pluralistic society, it outlines and applies principles of justice from the Catholic tradition to contemporary problems that increasingly affect us all.This second edition contains extensive new material and new topics, including physician-assisted suicide, managed care, organ donation, genetic testing, cloning, and the question of futility. Aimed at a wide audience, this book will also be useful for introductory ethics courses in colleges and high schools.
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