PDF⋙ The Mentor As Coach: An Introduction to Coaching as a Mentoring Style (Personal Leadership) by Jeremy Farrell

The Mentor As Coach: An Introduction to Coaching as a Mentoring Style (Personal Leadership) by Jeremy Farrell

The Mentor As Coach: An Introduction to Coaching as a Mentoring Style (Personal Leadership)

The Mentor As Coach: An Introduction to Coaching as a Mentoring Style (Personal Leadership) by Jeremy Farrell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Jeremy Farrell holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of South Africa, with specialization in Management. He also has an Advanced Certificate in Strategic HR Management from Cornell University. He is a certified Project Management Professional with the PMI USA, and trained and worked as a leadership coach responsible for management and executive development in IBM South Africa. He has presented this material at conferences in the UK and in South Africa at Leadership Development Centers. Jeremy has extensive management, executive and project management experience, and has worked as an internal HR Partner and consultant. He qualified as a Marine Engineering Officer in 1985 and has been mentoring and coaching for as long as he can remember. This short book explains the logic behind and the techniques of the effective Mentor/Coach. The approach is informed by the author's over twenty years of training and experience as a leader, executive, mentor and coach. His writing is informed by extensive theory and action research and practical implementation of the skills.

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