PDF⋙ Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded (Volume 3) by Dr Gina Pazzaglia

Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded (Volume 3) by Dr Gina Pazzaglia

Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded (Volume 3)

Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded (Volume 3) by Dr Gina Pazzaglia PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The goal of this third book of the trilogy, Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded, is to increase the understanding of the reader that regret is not a bad or nebulous emotion, but one to be contended with. Everyone has regrets, but to hide or avoid regrets results in shame. To identify and deal with regret, is to become courageous, a most noble virtue, but one that is difficult to obtain. May each reader recognize and unfold their own regrets as they relate to the journey of each of the characters. In Celestine Algorithms: Regrets Unfolded, Sue’s comatose state creates an environment conducive for friends and family to reflect upon and gaze deeply into their own souls and motives. Meanwhile, Sue is trapped in a celestial world where she and the Indian Princess must address intergenerational family history that will ultimately determine Sue’s destiny.

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