PDF⋙ Simplified Design of Concrete Structures (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides) by James Ambrose

Simplified Design of Concrete Structures (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides) by James Ambrose

Simplified Design of Concrete Structures (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides)

Simplified Design of Concrete Structures (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides) by James Ambrose PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is the best and most concise reference available on the design of concrete structures. It covers new materials, practices, and research in the field, examples of general building structural systems and the use of computers in structural design. Covers the basics as well as practical design examples. Examines a wide range of concrete structures, building types, and construction details. Includes numerous illustrations, text examples, and exercise problems with answers provided, plus a general question and answer section and a glossary. Updated to reflect changes in standards, industry technology, and construction practice; conforms to the widely accepted ACI Code.

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