PDF⋙ Clinical Neuroanatomy by John Mendoza, Anne Foundas

Clinical Neuroanatomy by John Mendoza, Anne Foundas

Clinical Neuroanatomy

Clinical Neuroanatomy by John Mendoza, Anne Foundas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The collaboration of a clinical neuropsychologist and a behavioral neurologist, Clinical Neuroanatomy expands upon similar texts by offering an exceptionally extensive review of higher cortical – behavioral functions and their anatomical substrates. While a major text for students and clinicians in neuropsychology, it is highly relevant for behavioral and traditional neurologists, neuropsychiatrists, and others who have an interest in exploring the mysteries of brain-behavior relationships. This book begins with a traditional review of the basic internal and external morphology, major nerve and fiber tracts, behavioral correlates, and clinical syndromes associated with spinal cord, brain stem, and cerebellum designed to reacquaint students and practicing clinicians with the functional anatomy of the subtentorial central nervous system. However, as the text was specifically geared to meet the needs of those practitioners whose primary interest is in what might be termed “higher order cognitive-behavioral function,” the main focus of the text is on the brain itself. Borrowing heavily from a Lurian tradition, the central chapters reflect an attempt to offer more detailed, integrated, and, at times, theoretical models of cortical systems and their internal organization. Additional chapters highlight vascular anatomy and associated pathology, as well as neurochemical systems and their potential clinical relevance. The authors’ teaching style enlivens the material with clinical examples and welcomed touches of subtle humor.

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