PDF⋙ The Bat Boy and His Violin (Aladdin Picture Books) by Gavin Curtis

The Bat Boy and His Violin (Aladdin Picture Books) by Gavin Curtis

The Bat Boy and His Violin (Aladdin Picture Books)

The Bat Boy and His Violin (Aladdin Picture Books) by Gavin Curtis PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Reginald loves to create beautiful music on his violin. But Papa, manager of the Dukes, the worst team in the Negro National League, needs a bat boy, not a "fiddler," and traveling with the Dukes doesn't leave Reginald much time for practicing.
Soon the Dukes' dugout is filled with Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach -- and the bleachers are filled with the sound of the Dukes' bats. Has Reginald's violin changed the Dukes' luck -- and can his music pull off a miracle victory against the powerful Monarchs?
Gavin Curtis's beautifully told story of family ties and team spirit and E. B. Lewis's lush watercolor paintings capture a very special period in history.

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