PDF⋙ Reflections of a Poetrygirl by Anita M. Elam

Reflections of a Poetrygirl by Anita M. Elam

Reflections of a Poetrygirl

Reflections of a Poetrygirl by Anita M. Elam PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Don Henley said it best with his lyrics "I'm just tryin to get down to the heart of the matter", that's what poetry is to me, the Heart of the Matter. It could be about love, life in general, or something that just struck me as odd or funny, mundane observations, but whenever something makes me feel strongly in a certain way, I like to try to capture that feeling in poetry. Even the simplest things in life have poetry, you just need to find it in your heart.

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