PDF⋙ Going Above and Beyond: Reach the Pinnacle of Customer Service by Learning How to . . . Think and Act Like a Concierge by Katharine C. Giovanni
Going Above and Beyond: Reach the Pinnacle of Customer Service by Learning How to . . . Think and Act Like a Concierge by Katharine C. Giovanni
Going Above and Beyond: Reach the Pinnacle of Customer Service by Learning How to . . . Think and Act Like a Concierge by Katharine C. Giovanni PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Whether for a business owner or an employee, this guide will show how to offer concierge-level customer service that will provide an edge in today’s competitive business world. From interviews with top concierges to helping review nonverbal cues and body language, the information presented will help polish a professional image, refine communication skills, and teach the core beliefs and values that lead to extraordinary customer service.
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