PDF⋙ Caribbean Autobiography: Cultural Identity and Self-Representation (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) by Sandra Pouchet Paquet
Caribbean Autobiography: Cultural Identity and Self-Representation (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) by Sandra Pouchet Paquet
Caribbean Autobiography: Cultural Identity and Self-Representation (Wisconsin Studies in Autobiography) by Sandra Pouchet Paquet PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Despite the range and abundance of autobiographical writing from the Anglophone Caribbean, this book is the first to explore this literature fully. It covers works from the colonial era up to present-day AIDS memoirs and assesses the links between more familiar works by George Lamming, C. L. R. James, Derek Walcott, V. S. Naipaul, and Jamaica Kincaid and less frequently cited works by the Hart sisters, Mary Prince, Mary Seacole, Claude McKay, Yseult Bridges, Jean Rhys, Anna Mahase, and Kamau Brathwaite.
Sandra Pouchet Paquet charts the intersection of multiple, contradictory viewpoints of the colonial and postcolonial Caribbean, differing concepts of community and levels of social integration, and a persistent pattern of both resistance and accommodation within island states that were largely shaped by British colonial practice from the mid-seventeenth through the mid-twentieth century. The texts examined here reflect the entire range of autobiographical practice, including the slave narrative and testimonial, written and oral narratives, spiritual autobiographies, fiction, serial autobiography, verse, diaries and journals, elegy, and parody.
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