PDF⋙ Legends from Wodmej by Wotje Elizabeth Miller's 5th and 6th Grade Class from Wodmej

Legends from Wodmej by Wotje Elizabeth Miller's 5th and 6th Grade Class from Wodmej

Legends from Wodmej

Legends from Wodmej by Wotje Elizabeth Miller's 5th and 6th Grade Class from Wodmej PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Different versions of native legends from Wodmej, written and illustrated by students from Wotje Atoll. The book is one of twelve Marshallese-English books created under The Unbound Bookmaker Project.

To view other books produced through The Unbound Bookmaker Project, please see our webpage: www.unboundbookmaker.com/the-unbound-bookmaker-project.html.

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