PDF⋙ Absolutely Beautiful Things: Decorating inspiration for a bright and colourful life by Anna Spiro

Absolutely Beautiful Things: Decorating inspiration for a bright and colourful life by Anna Spiro

Absolutely Beautiful Things: Decorating inspiration for a bright and colourful life

Absolutely Beautiful Things: Decorating inspiration for a bright and colourful life by Anna Spiro PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Absolutely Beautiful Things, successful designer Anna Spiro shows you how to create an interior that's just right for you. To her, it's all about the mix, not the match, and, with her help, you'll find beauty in unexpected places. She'll give you the confidence to put together a layered and very individual home using elements you love, and make you see your old belongings in a new light.

As well as lavish photographs of rooms Anna has created, she shares many of her secrets from a life in decorating, gives practical details on how to work with pattern and color, and provides a room-by-room guide to furniture choice. 'I always endeavour to create happy, interesting, layered and uplifting spaces. That means mixing everything: color and pattern, old and new, square and round, quirky and conservative. It's the imperfections and surprises that make a space interesting'.

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