PDF⋙ Isabelle (American Girl Today) by Laurence Yep

Isabelle (American Girl Today) by Laurence Yep

Isabelle (American Girl Today)

Isabelle (American Girl Today) by Laurence Yep PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

GOTY 2014 is excited about starting her first year at the Anna Hart School of the Arts! But she can't help comparing herself to her older sister, Jade, who attends the same school and is an amazing ballerina. GOTY 2014's other classmates are equally talented, and she starts wondering whether she really belongs at her new school. She earns a role in the fall festival, but she struggles during rehearsals. Can GOTY 2014 learn how to focus less on those around her and more on her own dancing? With help from her sister and her friends, GOTY 2014 may discover a unique talent that she can truly call her own.

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