PDF⋙ The Essential Guide to California Restaurant Law by Paul Tour-Sarkissian, Tania Tour-Sarkissian
The Essential Guide to California Restaurant Law by Paul Tour-Sarkissian, Tania Tour-Sarkissian
The Essential Guide to California Restaurant Law by Paul Tour-Sarkissian, Tania Tour-Sarkissian PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A complex legal infrastructure underlies the huge volume of restaurant sales in California, estimated at $54.2 billion in 2007 alone. Successful operation of a California restaurant involves local, state and federal laws, including contract law, tort law, health and safety laws, labor laws and environmental laws, to name just a few. This is the very first book to target California restaurant law exclusively, and is designed to provide a general understanding of the wide variety of pertinent laws to attorneys representing restaurant owners and operators. The Essential Guide to California Restaurant Law is a new and invaluable tool for attorneys representing the restaurant industry, providing guidance as to compliance with applicable laws, identification of legal issues, and limitation of liability.From reader reviews:
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