PDF⋙ The Evolution of the Immune System: Conservation and Diversification

The Evolution of the Immune System: Conservation and Diversification

The Evolution of the Immune System: Conservation and Diversification

The Evolution of the Immune System: Conservation and Diversification PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Evolution of the Immune System: Conservation and Diversification is the first book of its kind that prompts a new perspective when describing and considering the evolution of the immune system. Its unique approach summarizes, updates, and provides new insights on the different immune receptors, soluble factors, and immune cell effectors.

  • Helps the reader gain a modern idea of the evolution of the immune systems in pluricellular organisms
  • Provides a complete overview of the most studied and hot topics in comparative and evolutionary immunology
  • Reflects the organisation of the immune system (cell-based, humoral [innate], humoral [adaptive]) without introducing further and misleading levels of organization
  • Brings concepts and ideas on the evolution of the immune system to a wide readership

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