PDF⋙ Stress in College Athletics: Causes, Consequences, Coping by Robert E Stevens, David L Loudon, Deborah A Yow, William W Bowden, James H Humphrey
Stress in College Athletics: Causes, Consequences, Coping by Robert E Stevens, David L Loudon, Deborah A Yow, William W Bowden, James H Humphrey
Stress in College Athletics: Causes, Consequences, Coping by Robert E Stevens, David L Loudon, Deborah A Yow, William W Bowden, James H Humphrey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Stress in College Athletics: Causes, Consequences, Coping addresses the causes and consequences of stress in college sports and offers effective coping mechanisms that will help individuals understand and control stressors and emotions in their environment. Athletic administrators, coaches, student athletes, parents of athletes, educators, and social and behavioral science researchers will benefit from this examination of what stress is, the different types of stress, and what factors can contribute to anxiety. Containing insight from hundreds of student athletes, coaches, and administrators, this vital book offers you proven research, clear explanations, and recommended suggestions that will enable you to cope with stress and not let it affect your job or your game.Examining how both males and females perceive stress, Stress in College Athletics explores developmental differences between the genders to explain the ways in which the two groups react to and deal with stress. Discussing the challenges that you deal with every day, this valuable book offers you several proven suggestions and methods to help reduce stress, including:- Using coping techniques, such as physical exercise (other than the sport you play), recreational activities, muscle relaxation, biofeedback, and meditation
- Doing things for others and looking to your own spirituality in order to alleviate anxiety
- Eliminating factors such as fatigue and inferior health in order to avoid the negative emotions of jealousy, fear, and anger that can lead to tension and anxiety
- Learning how to relieve stress in your immediate environment (on the sidelines, in the audience, or during a test) through simple, effective, and inconspicuous exercises
- Adapting procedures for self-modification of behavior, such as identifying a behavior you want to change, thinking about the result of that behavior and how often it occurs, and reforming that conduct
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