PDF⋙ Visual Tennis-2nd by John Yandell
Visual Tennis-2nd by John Yandell
Visual Tennis-2nd by John Yandell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In acquiring and mastering sports skills, a picture is often worth a thousand words. Research shows most athletes learn skills better through visual demonstration than through verbal instruction. If you're a ""visual learner,"" Visual Tennis may be the most natural and effective way to improve your game.
The book presents more than 200 photographs-including many of top stars like Pete Sampras, Martina Hingis, Andre Agassi, and Steffi Graf-so you can imprint images of flawless technique into your mind. When you get on the court, your mind replays the images, and you develop and refine each stroke until it matches the proper technique.
As former tennis great John McEnroe-once one of the author's star clients-explains it, ""This book teaches the way players actually learn."" The outstanding photos combine with simple checkpoints to show exactly how to learn essential tennis skills, from the forehand through the serve.
Updated and expanded from the highly successful first edition, Visual Tennis provides you with an alternative to the repetitive verbal cues so common in tennis instruction. Leading teaching pro John Yandell shares his proven method, which has helped thousands of players realize their potential and raise their game to new levels.
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